Terms and conditions of hire
1. A damage fee of £150.00 is required for weddings, adult parties and events : This will be returned after the booking if there has been no damage and the premises have been left clean & tidy
2. Full Balance/Deposits will only be refunded at the Hall Committee’s discretion. To confirm your hire date(s) the Hall Hire Agreement form AND a deposit or full payment (as requested) must be received by the Booking Secretary within 7 days of receipt of the aforementioned agreement (as per condition)unless the event is sooner
2/2a) otherwise the hire date will be released.
3. Heating for Function Room is by coin operated meters (situated in corridor, near toilets). Function Room heating is phased across two meters – you may heat half or full room. Please ensure you bring sufficient £1/£2 coins.
4. An inventory of hall kitchen ware is supplied which must be checked as correct before the key/s are handed back. Breakages MUST be notified to the Booking Secretary.
Notes: Hire of any facilities or all facilities includes toilets. The building has facilities for people with disabilities and the kitchen can be modified.
- There is a Public Address system and hearing loop available free of charge on request.
- Staging is also available set up required by Hall Committee. Stage cost is £35.00
- Controls for kitchen shutter are in the kitchen. It will close automatically if there is a power failure.
- All rubbish must be removed offsite by Hirer.
- Smoking is strictly forbidden throughout the building (please cater for smokers outside)
- A charge will be incurred should any additional cleaning be required.
- There is a First Aid Kit in the Entrance Lobby and Incident Book in the kitchen.
The Emergency Assembly Point is by the play area in the recreation ground. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that you know where all EMERGENCY EXITS and FIRE EXTINGUISHERS are situated.
Conditions of hire
- Smoking is strictly forbidden throughout the building. Failure to comply will result in the Hall’s detection systems closing down all power throughout the building.
- The Management Committee reserves the right to refuse or cancel a booking at any time.
- 2a. Full Balances/Hire Deposits will ONLY be refunded at the Management Committee’s discretion.
- To confirm your hire date(s) the Hall Hire Agreement form AND a deposit or full payment (as requested) must be received by the Booking Secretary within 2 weeks of receipt of the aforementioned agreement otherwise the hire date will be released.
- The Hirer must be over 18 years of age.
- The premises may not be used for any other purpose than that shown on the booking form and may not be sub-let.
- The time booked must include preparation and clearing up time.
- All facilities and equipment must be left clean and tidy. The Hirer must check that all lights are off, any electrical equipment or kitchen appliances are switched off and/or left in a safe condition, and all doors and windows are shut.
- All rubbish must be removed.
- The Hirer should be present for the duration of the booking.
- Insurance:
- The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that, wherever necessary, appropriate insurance cover is obtained. The Hall holds public liability insurance covering risks associated with the premises themselves and also the services provided by the Hall. That cover also extends to risks associated with events or functions organised by non-regular Hirers, but only where the Hirers are individuals or ad hoc groups.
- The Management Committee expects established groups to have their own insurance. Business or commercial users are specifically excluded from Hall’s liability cover. For this purpose hirers receiving only out of pocket expenses or who organise events to the benefit of residents of Norton sub Hamdon do not count as business users.
- Details of the Village Hall insurance cover are available if required.
- The Hall Insurance covers only events in the hall, and not on the adjoining recreation ground or anywhere within the vicinity, unless special arrangements have been made.
- The Management Committee will request to see any Hirer’s insurance documents relevant to the use of the hall
- Any incidents of injury to persons present, or damage to the facilities or equipment must be reported within 24 hours to the Booking Secretary. The hirer will be held responsible for any costs incurred by the Management Committee resulting from the hirer’s damage or negligence.
- Hire of main hall includes use of furniture etc. located in store room, by agreement with Booking Secretary. There is no permitted use of items belonging specifically to other user groups. The hirer must replace all furniture and other items, as found, at the end of the booking.
- A portable stage is available. Use must be agreed at time of booking.
- Any use of the adjoining Recreation Ground, such as for erection of marquees, must be agreed with the Booking Secretary in advance, so that permission may be sought from the Parish Council, as owners of the Recreation Ground. No glass should be taken onto the veranda of the Hall or the recreation ground.
- A hearing loop and public address system is available. Use must be agreed at time of booking.
- It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that
- a) all windows and doors are closed/locked at the end of the booking and
- b) all heaters and lights (including all 3 toilet lights and) are turned off.
- The hirer, during the period of hire, is responsible for supervision of the premises, for care of building, contents and persons using the premises as guests of the hirer. The hirer should be aware of the total number of persons on the premises at any one time during the period of hire.
- Hire of kitchen includes use of appropriate equipment:
- There are Food Hygiene Regulations relating to the preparation of food AND NO RESPONSIBILITY UNDER THESE REGULATIONS RESTS WITH THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Details available from Booking Secretary.
- A Manual is available in a drawer in the kitchen and must be returned there after use. The fridge/ freezer is available for hirers’ use and can be switched on in advance by arrangement with the Booking Secretary.
- There is a water boiler which will heat to boiling point, if required, and due care must be taken if it is used. No responsibility for careless use rests with the Management Committee. Hot water for washing up etc. should be used from the taps at the sink, NOT from the boiler.
- Hirers should ensure that they are familiar with location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers etc. Fire exits must not be blocked at any time. In case of fire, leave building by main doors or fire exits and assemble by the Play Area in the recreation ground. Do not stop to collect belongings.
- Parties or groups with predominantly under 18’s present must be supervised by a person over the age of 21 at all times. There must be adequate adult supervision.
- Use of fireworks, or any other flammable materials is strictly forbidden inside the building, the recreation field, school grounds or anywhere within the vicinity of the Hall. No combustible internal decorations are permitted and no decorations may be put near lights or heaters.
- Decorations, Notices or any other materials must not be attached to the walls, either by drawing pins, blue tack or similar substances or Sellotape. It is permitted to hang decorations from the beams, with permission from the Booking Secretary.
- The use of bubble/smoke etc machines with discos is strictly forbidden. Use of party poppers is by arrangement with Booking Secretary only.
- The Hall is licensed allowing music and dancing until 23.00pm. However it is the Responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the required Performing Rights license(s) are obtained.
- Alcohol:
- Only the Hall building is licensed for the sale of alcohol.
- Details of person responsible for any sale of alcohol (including at a bar, with a meal, by donation, with ticket price, as a raffle prize etc) MUST be given at time of booking and must be approved by the Designated Premises Supervisor.
- The Designated Premises Supervisor may withhold permission for sale of alcohol at any time, without giving any reason. In this case a TEN (Temporary Event Notice) must be made by the hirer to South Somerset District Council and must be available for inspection.
- The Designated Premises Supervisor has right of entry at any time. Failure to comply with rules relating to sale of alcohol will mean that alcohol cannot be sold and may mean your event will be cancelled. In particular the hirer is responsible for the care of people under 18 in relation to sale and consumption of alcohol.
- The Hirer is responsible for the behaviour of his guests and, therefore, care should be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. Excessive noise, and/or disorderly behaviour on or in the vicinity of the Hall are not permitted. No illegal drugs shall be brought on to or used on the premises.
- The Hirer must be vigilant at all times with regard to safety, especially when people are congregated near the entrance. All care must be taken when using electrical appliances to ensure safety and to avoid overloading the circuits.
- Only guide or medical assistance dogs can enter the venue