Hall Booking

Please complete the form and we will get in touch to confirm price and booking.

If you wish to book multiple days, click each day you would like, followed by the time slot.

*hover over partially booked dates to see the time that has been booked.

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If you wish to book multiple days, click each day you would like, followed by the time slot.

*hover over partially booked dates to see the time that has been booked.

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Standard Rate

For visitors to the village

Function Room
Per Hour£14
Evening Function£126
Wedding Reception£650
Light Refreshments£13
Food preparation£42
Substantial use£84
Meeting Room
Per hour£12

*whole venue booked from fri 13:00 to sun 13:00

Village Rate

Residents of Norton-sub-Hamdon

Function Room
Per Hour£9
Evening Function£84
Wedding Reception*£600
Light Refreshments£16
Food preparation£32
Substantial use£6
Meeting Room
Per hour£12

*whole venue booked from fri 13:00 to sun 13:00

Want to Know More ?

Contact our Booking Manager for more information

Planning something?

Take a look at our availability in the booking calendar