The Village of Norton-sub-Hamdon
Our Village Hall
Hall Availability
You can always call the Booking Manager on 079483166 to check availability
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The Beautiful Village Hall
Nestled in rural South Somerset is our beautiful Village. Boasting charming ham stone cottages, the fabulous Lord Nelson Public House & Restaurant, idyllic countryside walks with views of Ham Hill Country Park.
The area is perfect for dog walking and exploring with friends and family alike.
The residents of Norton-sub-Hamdon love welcoming visitors. Whether it\’s to our Community run Village Store & Post Office, as visitors to the beautiful 14th Century Church, or enjoying a quintessentially English tea and cake at Katy’s Bake or perhaps something stronger at the welcoming The Lord Nelson pub
Many visitors to Norton-sub-Hamdon first discover us as guests at the many events held at our Village Hall.
Our Village Hall was completely rebuilt in 2006 and is the perfect location for all sorts of gatherings. From Weddings to Birthday Parties, Fayres and Festivals.
The Hall provides not only a stunning location with ample parking, but the opportunity for you to create a bespoke event utilising the Douglas Fir Frame in the main function room.

What People Think

History of Norton sub Hamdon Village Hall
The concept for a village hall in Norton sub Hamdon was first conceived decades before the original hall was built. Before we had the hall, villagers used to use the old school for many events. Many a happy time was had by all dancing to local bands and watching entertainers.
One day, Councillor John (Jack) Warry overheard a conversation at a district council meeting where Mr John Berkley from West Coker was offering an old Chapel to another Councillor. Jack then asked if it wasn\’t wanted, could Norton sub Hamdon have it. It was donated free of charge, but the village still had to fund raise, and many villagers gave their time and skills to move and rebuild the hall.
It was completed and duly opened by Mr John Berkley on May 18th 1974. The hall was very well used over the 31 years, but the maintenance costs were spiralling upwards, and public buildings were subject to new legislation which was incompatible for an elderly construction like this.
So at the turn of the century it was decided to turn our intentions to the enormous task of building a new village hall. Years of work by a dedicated committee to secure planning, funding etc, eventually led to the lovely structure we have today.
It was officially opened on March 19th 2006 by David Laws MP.